DVMUG’s BBS runs on software called FirstClass. It is recommended that you download the “client”–user–software to connect to the BBS server.

FirstClass Client Download

For macOS 10.13 and later
DVMUG BBS 16.210 (22 Mb)

FirstClass Mobile 16 for iPhone and iPad.
For iOS 8 and later

For Windows


FirstClass Client for DVMUG BBS Setup

FirstClass Login 1

In the FirstClass Login window

Click on the blue triangle next to Advanced

FirstClass Login 2

In the FirstClass Login window

Click on the Setup... Button

Service Setup In the Service Setup window


Select Connect via:

and enter


Server: fc.dvmug.org

Click the Configure... Button in the top right

DSL-CableModem.FCP In the DSL-CableModem-IP.FCP window.


Select Protocol: TCP/IP



Select Port number: TCP Default (510)


Click on the blue Save button on the bottom right.

Service Setup In the Service Setup window.


Click on the blue Save button on the bottom right.

TechTool Pro DVMUG Zoom meeting on YouTube 1-24-23

Meeting length: 1 hr 42 min

Watch here

TechTool Pro 17 is now available! If you’ve recently upgraded to macOS Ventura, you’ll be happy to know that version 17 is bringing full support to Apple’s latest operating system. Christian Pickman, Micromat’s product manager, will discuss and demonstrate all the tests and tools TechTool Pro has to offer.


Christian PickmanTechTool Pro

Previous DVMUG Zoom Meetings at,
DVMUG YouTube Channel

Adam Engst & Chuck Joiner at the DVMUG Zoom Meeting, 11-15-22 on YouTube

Meeting length: 2 hr 50 min

Watch here

Adam Engst

Adam Engst is the publisher of TidBITS, the oldest Internet-based email newsletter in the world, which is distributed weekly to tens of thousands of readers. He has also written many technical books, including the best-selling Internet Starter Kit series in the 1990s, books on Eudora and iPhoto, and magazine articles for MacUser, MacWEEK, and Macworld.

Visiting an Apple store: the value of in-person impressions
Adam Engst made his first visit to an Apple Store since before the start of the pandemic and came away with some changed opinions after getting a chance to lay his hands on some recent (and not-so-recent) products. Online ordering is great, but can’t provide the full picture.


Adam Engst


Chuck Joiner

Chuck Joiner has been creating original Apple, Macintosh and tech-oriented audio and video content since 2000. MacVoices, delivered in both audio and video versions, includes one-on-one discussions with authors, developers, pundits, panel conversations on current trends in tech, and real-world hardware and software reviews. With interviewing skills honed by a career in insurance investigation, negotiation and litigation management, and a passion for technology, Chuck delivers content that is curiosity-driven and designed to both inform and entertain.

Chuck Joiner


Previous DVMUG Zoom Meetings at,
DVMUG YouTube Channel

Bert Monroy DVMUG Zoom Meeting 10-11-22 on YouTube

Meeting length: 1 hr 40 min

Watch here

Bert Monroy


Bert Monroy is an American artist best known as an early Photoshop expert. He wrote the first book on the use of Photoshop (The Official Adobe Photoshop Handbook, coauthored with David Biedny), and became an established Photoshop educator. He was a frequent guest on The Screen Savers, where he gave brief Photoshop tutorials. In 2004 he was inducted into the Photoshop Hall of Fame. He also hosted a web TV show, PixelPerfect, on Revision3. Monroy is currently a regular teacher on the training website Linkedin and hosts an ongoing series called Pixel Playground which is similar to Pixel Perfect.

Bert Monroy


Previous DVMUG Zoom Meetings at,
DVMUG YouTube Channel

Jason Snell DVMUG Zoom Meeting 6-28-22 on YouTube – WWDC 2022

Topic: Apple WWDC 2022

Meeting length: 1hr 40min

Watch here

Jason Snell

Jason has written for Macworld for 25 years and was lead editor for over a decade. He writes about Apple at Six Colors and podcasts at Relay FM and The Incomparable.

Six Colors


Previous DVMUG Zoom Meetings at,
DVMUG YouTube Channel