Archive for June, 2023

DVMUG Elections 6-20-23

As required by our bylaws, DVMUG will be holding elections at our Zoom meeting on June 20th. The Board of Directors consists of 5 Directors who serve 2-year terms (2 elected in one year, 3 in the next) and 4 officers who serve 1-year terms. The officers are the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Someone at this week’s meeting asked what each Board member’s job is, so here is some info from our bylaws:

The Board of Directors shall have control and management of DVMUGís activities, establish all policies, and generally supervise the affairs of DVMUG. Additionally, Directors shall perform other duties as may be assigned by the President or other officer properly acting in the absence of the President.

President: The President shall serve as the executive officer of DVMUG, preside at all meetings of the membership and the Board of Directors, be an exñofficio member of all committees, exercise general supervision over affairs of DVMUG, and perform such other duties as are ordinarily incumbent upon a President.

Vice President: The Vice President shall act in the behalf of the President in his or her absence and shall perform such duties as are ordinarily incumbent upon a Vice President and such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors. If the President is unable to serve for one reason or another, the Vice President shall assume the responsibilities and duties of the President until either (1) the President is once again able to perform his or her duties or (2) until the next election of officers. If the Vice President becomes the President, the Board of Directors will designate a replacement to serve out the term of Vice President. In the event that the office of the Vice President becomes vacant for any reason other than the succession of the Vice President to President, the vacancy shall be filled as soon as practical by the President with the concurrence of the Board of Directors.

Secretary: The Secretary shall keep and maintain the minutes of all of the Board of Directors meetings, in the form and manner prescribed by the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall record the results of all votes taken at the General Membership Meetings and shall maintain a current database of members of DVMUG. In addition, the Secretary shall perform any additional duties that are ordinarily incumbent

upon a Secretary. The Secretary shall be a member of the standing Membership Committee.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall serve as Treasurer and maintain records of all fees, dues and other monies collected and disbursed in the form and manner prescribed by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer will also perform such duties as are ordinarily incumbent upon a Treasurer, including a Financial Report that the Treasurer will present at each of the Board meetings and as directed by the President at the general Membership Meetings. The Treasurer shall be a member of the Finance Committee. The Treasurer shall prepare and maintain appropriate books and ledgers (which may be kept in electronic form) and make disbursements as prescribed by the Board of Directors and consistent with the Bylaws of DVMUG.

So, those are the job descriptions. We are required by the bylaws to meet in January, April, July, and October, but we usually meet monthly. Sometimes we will cancel a meeting if we don’t have any pressing business. Meetings are currently being held via Zoom.

For this year, there are going to be some changes to the composition of the board. Vice President Irene Bergamini is running for the board position formerly occupied by Chris Wysocki. On behalf of the group, I would like to thank Chris for his many contributions to our group over the years as both President and as a Board member. The other board position which is up for election this year is the seat currently held by Jack Stark, who is running for reelection. Bruce Kostrzewski is running for the Vice President position formerly held by Irene Bergamini. All other officers have agreed to continue, but if you would like to give it a try, the floor will be open for nominations during the May 16th meeting as well as before the elections are held on June 20th.

Remember, a group such as ours doesn’t just happen. It happens because of members that are willing to give up a little more of their time in service to the group. So please join us on June 20th and support our officers Board members.

Don Don Nelson, President


Jason Snell DVMUG Zoom Meeting 6-13-23 on YouTube – WWDC 2023

Topic: Apple WWDC 2023

Meeting length: 1hr 13min

Watch here

Jason Snell

Jason has written for Macworld for 25 years and was lead editor for over a decade. He writes about Apple at Six Colors and podcasts at Relay FM and The Incomparable.

Six Colors


Previous DVMUG Zoom Meetings at,
DVMUG YouTube Channel


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