Archive for May, 2022
Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac, DVMUG Zoom Meeting 5-17-22 on YouTube
Meeting length: 2hr 13min
Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac
Joe Kissell
Take Control publisher Joe Kissell has written more than 60 books about technology, including many popular Take Control books. He formerly wrote for publications such as Macworld, Wirecutter, and TidBITS.
Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac
Set up a rock-solid backup strategy so that you can restore quickly and completely, no matter what catastrophe arises.
Joe Kissell provides the advice you need to create a Mac backup strategy that protects your data and enables quick recovery. He compares backup software, services, and media to help you make the best choices. You’ll learn to set up, test, and maintain backups, plus how to restore files after a calamity!
All Take Control books are delivered in three ebook formats—PDF, EPUB, and Mobipocket (Kindle)—and can be read on nearly any device.
DVMUG YouTube Channel