The Diablo Valley Macintosh Users Group (DVMUG) is a non-profit service organization established to help users of Apple products get the most from their devices. Mac desktops, laptops, iPhones, iPads…whether new or old, we’ve got you covered.
Our weekly club meetings are currently held on Zoom to accommodate Covid safety protocols. Each meeting begins with a summary of the latest Apple news, followed by relevant educational videos. The formal meeting ends with a Question and Answer period where you can ask about your own Apple-related issues. The meeting concludes with social time allowing club members to connect with one another.
We sponsor classes by well known Apple experts and hold occasional special meetings featuring introduction to new hardware, software, and other subjects of interest. Because our meetings, classes, and special presentations are all held virtually, you can participate from the comfort of your own home. We archive our meetings online, so you can review the content of past meetings and classes at any time.
DVMUG maintains contact with its members in other ways as well. We run a bulletin board (BBS) through which you can seek support for all your questions and concerns throughout the week. Members, many of whom are power users, readily share their expertise on the BBS for everyone’s benefit. We also send out a weekly email featuring current Apple news and “How-To” tips.
The monthly MacClinic is one of our most popular features. Club experts diagnose and, when possible, repair your Apple devices, as well as help with services such as software upgrades and hard drive replacement.
You can get all this for just $40 per year for the entire family. We welcome you to join us.