Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac, DVMUG Zoom Meeting 5-17-22 on YouTube

Meeting length: 2hr 13min

Watch here

Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac

Joe Kissell

Joe Kissell

Take Control publisher Joe Kissell has written more than 60 books about technology, including many popular Take Control books. He formerly wrote for publications such as Macworld, Wirecutter, and TidBITS.

Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac


Set up a rock-solid backup strategy so that you can restore quickly and completely, no matter what catastrophe arises.

Joe Kissell provides the advice you need to create a Mac backup strategy that protects your data and enables quick recovery. He compares backup software, services, and media to help you make the best choices. You’ll learn to set up, test, and maintain backups, plus how to restore files after a calamity!

All Take Control books are delivered in three ebook formats—PDF, EPUB, and Mobipocket (Kindle)—and can be read on nearly any device.

Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac


Previous DVMUG Zoom Meetings at,
DVMUG YouTube Channel

DVMUG Pages Workshop available on YouTube


Mike Matthews

Presented by Mike Matthews

Mike Matthews is a member of the Apple Consultants Network and specializes in consumers. He also teaches classes at a number of adult schools in the Bay Area helping people make the most of their Apple products. His experience goes back to the days of the Apple II+.


Word processing is a core tech function, and Apple users are fortunate to have one included with their devices. You can even use it on non-Apple computers via your iCloud account on the Web. You can use it to create beautiful documents, including newsletters, flyers, certificates, basic letters, and books. It can even open Word documents and save its own files as Word documents. But like any piece of software with such extensive capabilities, there are some things to be learned regarding its use. Join Mike Matthews as he shows what kind of things you can create using Pages. The course will be three sessions, with the first on March 22nd. Subsequent sessions will be on April 5th and April 19th. This training is not publicly available and the cost is $20.00 per person. Persons who register for the training will also have access to recordings of the training sessions which will only be available to them. So join us for some great training in how to use a great piece of software.

Pages is Apple’s word processor and it runs on the Mac, iPad, iPhone, and in a web browser. You can create beautiful documents, including newsletters, flyers, certificates, basic letters, and books. It can even open Word documents and save its own files as Word documents. And did we mention that it’s free? Have your Mac updated to the latest version of macOS and Pages find out why Pages might be all the word processor you’ll ever need.

Download the  Learn Pages on the Mac.pdf  course outline.

MacMost at the DVMUG Zoom Meeting, 1-18-22 on YouTube

Spring Cleaning

Meeting length: 1hr 55min

Watch here

Gary Rosenzweig is the founder, producer, and host of MacMost. He has written more than 40 mass-market books on computers, including the best-selling My iPad series. 

MacMost is a video podcast and blog that teaches you how to use your Mac, iPad, and iPhone. At MacMost.com you will find more than 2,000 videos, a weekly newsletter, tips, and recommendations.


Is your hard drive almost full? Looking to clear off some space? It can be confusing where to look and what you can get rid of. There are probably things on your Mac you don’t need, and there are probably files you have created that you can now archive to another drive. You can also use the features of iCloud to save space. For a Mac “spring cleaning” you don’t need any special software, you just need to know some basic techniques.

Gary Rosenzweig



Previous DVMUG Zoom Meetings at,
DVMUG YouTube Channel

How to use Zoom


Download the Zoom Client for Meetings app for macOS:
macOS 10.11 or later

Download the Zoom Cloud Meetings app for iPhone and iPad:
iOS 8.0 or later


Become a videoconferencing pro with these tips

“Take Control of Zoom” author Glenn Fleishman shares a host of tips that can help you tune your setup and improve your confidence.
Read more here

Tips to take your video conferencing to the next level
If you use your Mac to attend video meetings for work or school, here are some tips that can increase the quality of your video and help you look more professional.
Watch here

20 tips for using Zoom on your Mac
Many of us use Zoom on our Macs for meetings, classes, or get-togethers. Zoom is a powerful video conferencing app with many useful hidden features. Learn how to test your audio before a meeting, use a video background, send reactions and nonverbal feedback, and start breakout meetings.
Watch here

Jason Snell DVMUG Zoom Meeting 6-22-21 on YouTube – WWDC 2021

Meeting length: 1hr 35min

Watch here

Jason Snell

Jason has written for Macworld for 25 years and was lead editor for over a decade. He writes about Apple at Six Colors and podcasts at Relay FM and The Incomparable.

Six Colors



Previous DVMUG Zoom Meetings at,
DVMUG YouTube Channel