DVMUG Mac Clinic Saturday, 1-25-25

DVMUG Mac Clinic


Saturday, 1-25-25, 10 am to Noon
(Fourth Saturday of the month)

DVMUG Office
396 Civic Drive
Pleasant Hill

Rick Calicura

Leader: Rick Calicura

Previous Clinic Lunch Photos at,

Make your sad Mac, iPhone, or iPad happy again! At DVMUG’s legendary MacClinic, we can upgrade your Mac’s memory (you supply the memory; we can tell you where to get it). We can upgrade most Macs’ data storage by installing a new or solid-state drive. We can troubleshoot problems with malware, adware, and botched installations. We can help set up your iOS device, back it up to your Mac, and transfer your data to a new iOS device.

Appointments for the MacClinic must be made by phone (for triage). Remember that the services you receive as part of your DVMUG membership beat what you would pay elsewhere. The DVMUG office rent never stops and donations are gratefully received.

In keeping with good COVID-19 practices, we can only take three appointments for the Saturday clinic. You must have a full vaccination with a booster for a clinic appointment.

COVID vacine booster

Add RAM to your Mac
Upgrade your Mac to an SSD drive
Install a backup drive or recover data from a hard drive
Upgrade macOS or iOS to the current version
Migrate your apps and data to a new Mac
Securely erase an old Mac for e-waste or donation
Back up your iPhone or iPad to your Mac
Sync your iCloud to your Mac, iPhone, and iPad
Perform housecleaning and remove old apps and downloads from your Mac

Diagnosing 27" iMac


27" iMac inside

Apple Utilities

Disk Utility
Disk Utility
Activity Monitor
Activity Monitor
Keychain Access
Keychain Access
Migration Assistant
Migration Assistant
Airport Utility
Airport Utility

Network Utility
Network Utility


Time Machine
Time Machine
Carbon Copy ClonerCarbon Copy Cloner SuperDuper!SuperDuper!

Third-Party Apps

malwarebytesMalwarebytes app cleanerAppCleaner MacUpdater
etrecheckEtreCheck mactrackerMactracker

Easy FindEasy Find DriveDXDriveDX Go94Go64 Duplicate File Finder
Duplicate File Finder

GeekBenchGeekBench Macs Fan Control
Macs Fan Control
Coconut Battery
Coconut Battery
App Cleaner Uninstaller
App Cleaner & Uninstaller


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